Deep Links for Badge Scan (scan badges with phone camera)
Lead Scanner
November 23, 2022

Ability to scan a badge outside of the event mobile app (e.g. with phone camera or QR code scanning app). If:

  • Badge is scanned and user has our app installed, the app is opened, user is asked to login (if unlogged), app opens Scan Badges page and regular flow of badge scanning proceeds
  • Badge is scanned and user has not installed our app, the event is opened in mobile browser, user is asked to login (if unlogged) and then redirected to the public page of scanned user
  • Badge is scanned and badge has an external QR code and user has not installed our app, then nothing happens.
  • Badge is scanned inside the app, scanning works exactly the same as before

deep link badge scan

What are the benefits?

  • Users who have not yet installed the event app can still scan badges
  • Users who don’t understand that badge scanning is a feature within the app will now be able to use their phone camera to scan, capturing a scan that would have been captured in the past.

Summary of features

Phone camera can be used to scan badges.  If the user has the app installed they will be asked to log in after scanning and then the flow will be the same as before from that point.  If the user does not have the app installed, they will be taken to the mobile browser log in page, asked to log in, then taken the badge holder’s public profile page.