QR Codes for Companies, Products & Content
April 28, 2022

Exhibitors now have the ability to generate QR codes for their company, products & content

  • These QR codes can then be printed out and displayed at the physical event where event participants can scan the codes using the EP event mobile app
  • Details about who scanned what then appear in the exhibitor’s interactions dashboard for easy follow up with those leads

virtual expo lead generation

What are the benefits?

  • Increased number of leads for exhibitors
  • Increased onsite visitor engagement for organizers
  • Insight into what companies and products physical event visitors are most interested in that can be used to inform the organizer’s strategy for the next physical event as well as for their upcoming digital events


virtual expo lead generation


Summary of features

  • Within our platform, exhibitors can generate QR codes for company information, product information and marketing content, then print and display these QR codes at the physical event, and easily track and follow up on leads from QR code scans within the platform


virtual expo lead generation


virtual expo lead generation