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Don’t Rush

5 exhibition participation planning tips that will help you avoid the last minute crunch.

Be smart about planning your participation at the exhibition. Use the valuable advice from experience.

1. Determine your type of business and set out the goals you would like to reach at the exhibition. These will help you make the most important decision – which trade show you will be a participant of.

2. Set a firm budget. Select the most important aspects that you can not save money on, and try to accomplish the rest on a low budget.

3. Divide you exhibition preparation into two categories: A – Developing your marketing strategy: determine who will be your potential customers and what services you will offer, devise strategies for general visitors, potential clients and partnership opportunities. Research the best ways to advertise your company before the exhibition begins. B – Preparing your exhibition booth and promotion materials: you may want to draw attention to your company with a bright and interesting exhibition booth, you may also want to have some information packets for visitors.

4. The exhibition is always a crowded place so be sure your company logo is large enough to be seen from a distance, so that those who are looking for you can find you easily. The “first message” to your visitors has to be so clear that your main business activity should be clear to any passer by without help or explanations.

5. Explore the market before the exhibition starts. Make appointments with the companies that may be useful partners for your business. Take note of interesting events at the exhibition and consider holding your own event to increase your profile and attract new customers.

Hold a webinar to promote your services and products online even after the exhibition is over. Create a list of contacts, and your favorite products that will be present at the exhibition.

Most importantly, analyse all the information you gather including analytics collected on your stand online.

And last but not the least – good luck!